(A worldwide guide on Ship Recycling) provides At a Glance Information on Ships Being Recycled at All Major Recycling Yards. is a One Stop Platform on Ship Recycling Information & Updates.

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                                                                     (At a Glance view of Ships being recycled specimen)

                                                                       (Ship recycling - A global map view specimen)
Demolition Report or Recycling Report
The ship view image provides at a glance view of the ships being recycled in all the countries as the global map view. If we move cursor on the location icon then we can see the number of working ships.This section covers almost all the countries those are recycling ships with the following information related to the ship.

  1. Name
  2. Ex name
  3. IMO No.
  4. Ship Type
  5. LDT- Light Displacement Tonnage
  6. Ship Built in Country
  7. Year of Built
  8. Beaching Date
  9. Yard/ Plot No.
  10. Yard/ Plot Owner
  11. Yard/ Plot Contact Details
  12. Bank name of the Yard/ Plot
  13. HKC complaint status and name of class like Class NK or RINA
  14. Shipping line approved yard status
  15. Width of the yard in meters
  16. Expected End date of the ship when recycling will be complete
  17. How much ship is processed so far
  18. Approx. per day production of the ship
  19. Financial credit rating
  20. Purchase price in USD per LDT
  21. Purchase price in USD per local currency
  22. Ship Cash Buyer or Seller
  23. Ship owner or the shipping line details
  24. Country in which being recycled
  25. Etc. Etc.
N.B. Currently providing only for India. Looking for investor or sponsor for global working.
Ships Arriving Soon
This section shows the ships those are expected to come for recycling. This will also cover all the important information about machinery & components available on the ship.
Ship Recyclers Directories
This section covers all the important information of all ship recycling yards around the world. The interactive information about ongoing ship demolition is also available instantly along with the Google map location of the yard.
Ship Machinery
Presently, main engine, generators, bow thrusters and other machinery detail is available and can be searched for the availability on all the ships that are being recycled around the world with the working status of all the ships to know when the desired machinery items will be available.
Analysis Report
We can analysis the ship recycling status of the world or a particular country with chart views for the number of ships beached in which month, the tonnage beached, and the number of ships completed or will be completed month wise & production per day scenario.
Check Possible Demo Ship Buyer
We can check possible ship yard as a buyer of the demo ship by mentioning the width of the ship (meters) and few other optional indicators to get the list of possible ship buyers. The HKC & shipping line approved status of the ship recycling yard is also mentioned. supports Green Ship Recycling has developed online real time IHM- Inventory of Hazardous Materials at a glance reporting system in visual figure form , graphic & detailed manner for all the ships sailing or being recycled anywhere in the world .
ERP for Ship Recycling
We have specially designed online real time ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning for ship recycling yards which provides the group owners the day to day working information of ships being recycled at a glance & details at one single place of all their ships being recycled anywhere in the world.
Market Place hosts a very interesting market place, where all the items available on board of the ships or on the yards received out of ship recycling are available for the ship repair yards and for other re-use purposes. The buyer can see the available stock and can also post the requirement(s) to get offers from the yards and stock traders.
Online Demo Ships Selling is a platform for the shipping lines & ship owners, ship brokers and the ship cash buyers to get bids for their ships online. All concerned participants are linked to see and act in the real time. For example, shipping lines or ship brokers can offer the ships to their cash buyers or shipping line or ship brokers, ship cash buyers can offer their ships to the ship recycling yards anywhere in the world as per HKC compliance condition.
Premium Membership
From 2023, offers premium membership for demolition or recycling report with combination of other information options like ships arriving soon, ship recycler’s directories, ship machinery, analysis report or check possible ship buyers.
Star Membership provides special star membership for the shipping lines, cash buyers, banks or financial institutions, surveyors, IHM sub-contractors & other monitoring agencies to see the ships of their particular concern. They can see working status of all their particular ships at a glance at one place.
The mission in the creation of is to provide one single platform for day to day working & full-fledged source of real time information of the global working ships & ship recycling industry.

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